To Those Waiting For Life To Happen

To those waiting for life to happen.

Almost every year in my 20s I've pivoted to something new.

Changing majors after flunking my senior year of biomedical engineering.

Or buying a one way ticket to a foreign country with no backup plan.

Quitting my job in tech sales to pursue video and content creation.

You get the point.

I've changed up my environment or what I was working on at the time to pursue something different.

Each year was a new challenge, a new experience.

In many ways I wouldn't change what happened.

But back then I always struggled when it came time to pivot again.

Feeling like I shouldn't be there and I should move on to the next thing, but being afraid to take the next step.

And that makes sense.

Change is hard, especially when you've spent enough time adjusting to a certain way of living.

When you change the direction your life is going, you often change the goals associated with that too.

Most people often worry about their goals, dwelling too much if they will achieve them or not.

They worry about distractions taking over where they lose sight of the goal.

The's also the risk of pursuing a crazy goal, spending an unknown amount of time working on it.

Worrying if you'll ever achieve it, and worrying if you won't be happy even if you do achieve it.

I myself often dwell a lot on my goals, wondering if I will ever achieve them.

Most people I know spend most of their time worrying about things.

I worry when I easily get distracted by things that happen during daily life.

Not feeling in control when I let impulses and distractions take over.

Stressing about a relationship, a bad living situation, or family issues.

I've spent countless hours in my 20s worrying about that stuff.

But what happens when you start shifting your mindset and the way you approach life?

Especially when you start to work towards something you've wanted?

Well the goal here was to achieve your dreams right?

“You’re nobody’s doorway but your own, and the only one who gets to tell you how your story ends is you.” ― Seanan McGuire, Every Heart a Doorway

So the main way I've figured out how to go about this process, is to go out and do.

You have to take risks and take part in this game called life.

You'll have to make decisions and they won't always be black and white.

They'll be hard and you'll wonder if it was the right one.

You'll fail a lot.

But often times that's how it works.

That's the only way to live.

But there are steps to make it easier.

1. Prospect

The first step is to rewire your thinking.

From believing that achieving, or getting a certain thing, will make you happy.

Often times that's not the case.

When you reach the end of the road, you often get struck with the desire to pursue the next thing.

When you get that next thing, there's always something else beyond that.

And it becomes a never ending cycle.

You see this a lot with materialism.

People buying this super expensive item they have been eyeing for a while.

They spend years saving up to finally get this one thing.

But when they do end up getting it, the satisfaction of obtaining said thing starts to wear off.

It's this superficial thing that happens with consumerism.

People want the next new shiny thing

Same thing happens when reaching a goal.

Most people would look for the next big goal to achieve in life.

And always after they've achieved something significant.

Otherwise what else do you do?

Sit back and let time pass?

Find a quiet cafe and watch people go about their lives instead?

Maybe the solution is to reframe your mindset.

2. Participation

Now that your perception of life has changed, you need to start participating in life.

Instead of waiting for something in life to click or you find the perfect solution.

You go out and explore what life has to offer.

During the pandemic we realized that there's so much in life that we miss out on if we're stuck inside.

Keeping to ourselves and not interacting with people or the world.

Over the years we've opened back up and started to embrace the things that made life enjoyable.

It is more comfortable to stay in your room all day.

And even if I do enjoy spending my time at home

That won't get me anywhere (literally).

You can't sit around at home and expect things to happen for you.

Take part in life, even if you fail at things and mess up along the way.

You'll figure it out but you will never get to that point if you stay in the bubble.

3. Perspective

Find as many new ways to enjoy the process.

Find the silver lining in the grey clouds.

Find the moments of joy in everyday things.

Because that's how you start finding ways to get through the hard times.

When you find yourself stuck and it doesn't feel like you're making progress.

Looking at the brighter side, at what you've accomplished or what you have so far.

This will make you realize that it's not so bad after all.

That's how you'll feel content and find satisfaction during rougher moments in life.

If you're still waiting for life to happen, you have to change things up.

It won't be easy but you'll find a greater sense of fulfillment once you do.

Rewire your thinking, take part in the game of life, and find ways to enjoy the process.

That's how you start moving forward.

Catch you in the next one.
